In general terms, Fit For 4.0 main expected results are:
In general terms, Fit For 4.0 main expected results are:

More skilled VET
teachers and trainers

Improved quality of
learning, hence better
employability of
students and
attractiveness of VET

Increased and stable
cooperation between
training providers,
teachers/trainers and

Availability of
sustainable tools,
transferable to other
economic sectors and
other European
About FIT For 4.0
“Fit for 4.0: training trainers and teachers for the 4.0 paradigm” is a three years
educational and innovative project (September 2019 – August 2022), which involves 10 partners in 8 European Countries: Italy, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, Sweden, the United Kingdom. They represent a competent and skilled mix of excellent European VET players, in the spirit of providing for a true “strategic partnership”.