for the 4.0 paradigm
IFOA is a not-for-profit Training Centre, appointed since 1999 as a national VET center, with 10 sites all over Italy.
Since 1993 IFOA has been working with a transnational vocation acting as a project promoter, coordinator or partner in EU co-funded projects. IFOA, following the European Union principles, strongly believes in the exchange and sharing of experiences and best practices, aiming to develop Vocational Education and Training Systems, EQF and ECVET.
IFOA delivers trainings for students, trainees, apprentices and companies and works with schools, universities, chambers of commerce, companies and public authorities to develop learning projects at local, national and international level.
Artesis Plantijn University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp (AP) is a higher education institution located in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium. The working language of the university and of most instruction is Dutch.
AP has almost 12,000 students, and offers 24 professional bachelor and 8 art programmes, clustered into 4 faculties – Health and Social Care, Management and Communication, Education and Training, Science and Technology – and 2 schools of arts – the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp.
AP has a wide range of activities and expertise in different international funding programmes.
The Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberösterreich (BFI-OÖ) is one of the largest providers of vocational adult education. The educational programme of the BFI comprises – in the sense of lifelong learning – offers for every need and every target group, from comprehensive courses and seminars to universities of applied sciences, academies, special services for companies and labour market policy measures.
Ongoing dialogue with business, research, the labour market and education ensures that the high standard of the services offered is maintained and innovation is driven forward.
EDUGEP started activity in 2006 aiming to create, develop and manage projects of social, cultural and pedagogical nature. Now it has also, a department for projects and training. EDUGEP is an authorized and recognized Extra-Curricular Educational Centre (license no. 12.0272/DRELVT) by the Ministry of Education and a certified Training Entity by the Ministry of Employment (DGERT license, 24th October, 2012/APCER license through ISO9001:2008) for the quality of services provided.
EDUGEP has services like a pedagogical center where it provides educational support. Curricular enrichment where they have curricular enrichment activities, animation activities to support families and the family support componente. In language school, where people can learn English, German, mandarin, spanish, French and russian.
Gothenburg Technical College is a unique cooperation between industry and municipality; the company is own by Volvo Group, Volvo Cars Cooperation and the City of Gothenburg.
They provide training for the production industry and specialize in automation, maintenance, manufacturing, product development and production logistics. All their training programmes are developed in dialogue with the industry, based on its future competence needs.
Their first students started training in 1998 and today they provide education in the following areas: Upper Secondary School (EQF 4), Adult Vocational Training (EQF 4), Higher Vocational Education and Training (EQF 5), Bespoke courses for company employees, Project work.
JAMK University of Applied Sciences is an internationally oriented higher education institution with expertise in 8 different fields of study. At JAMK, they have more than 8500 students from over 70 countries.
JAMK’s School of Professional Teacher Education is a highly esteemed professional pedagogy expert and a sought‐after partner in the development of education and guidance.
They collaborate with organisations and professionals from all over the world. For organisations, they provide with tailor‐made various educational services and development programmes. In addition, they provide Finnish professionals in the field of education For with a wide range of individuals educational in Finland they provide skills development courses of , some of which some are funded by Finnish National Board Agency of Education.
As the main provider of professional & technical education and training in the North West (of Northern Ireland), North West Regional College (NWRC) plays a central role in up-skilling and re-skilling the population through the delivery of an economically focused curriculum from Level 0-6. NWRC has strong partnerships with our civic, business and community including schools.
The college offers over 550 courses across its 4 departments – Business, Hospitality, Tourism & Performing Arts; Science, Technology & Creative Industries; Health & Sports; Training & Skills. The college’s annual enrolments are approximately 15,000.
Work continues on its regional specialisms through our “Innovation Hubs”, “Foodovation”, (Artisan Food Centre) “DIAL” (Design Innovation for Assisted Living) and our “Product Development Centre”; these first step innovation centres continue to work in parallel with the Ulster University, Letterkenny Institute of Technology and other technological partners to create a cohesive innovation landscape across this city region.
ZBC, Zealand Business College
ZBC is the Denmark’s largest vocational school with more than 41 different vocational programs. It counts 17 colleges in 8 different cities near Copenhagen with 7000 students and 600 teachers.
More over, ZBC is one of the largest providers of high school education in Denmark.
It has activities in Europe, India, China, US, etc. covering student exchange, interns both abroad and from abroad, staff exchange and knowledge transfer.
ZBC’s VET dual training gove hand on skills and work life experience. ZBC wants to emphasise indipendent thinking and responsibility, giving also a practical and applied experience. They use different learning methods in order for each student to learn the most.
They take safety and quality very serious and learn the students the importance of this.
ZBC believes that lifelong learning gives motivation and dedicated employees. They are the largest provider of courses and further education in Denmark.
EfVET, European Forum of Technical and
Vocational Education and Training
Founded in 1991 as a European Network representing its member Technical and Vocational Educational Institutions and Associations across Europe, EfVET has become a major force supporting its members in the drive to improve and develop Vocational Education and Training.
EfVET missions is to enhance VET provision across all member colleges and educational institution through an active network of training providers, employers and practitionera invocational education and training and lifelong learning. Its goal is to offer a network for professionals to foster connection between digital skills, research and practitioners in Vocational Education Training
EfVET offers its members the opportunity to share good practices and to learn from each other. With over 1500 VET institutions and associations currently as members across 35 member countries, EfVET provides a unique platform serving those at the front line of VET provision, giving a voice at policy level in the drive to improve the quality and innovation across the European VET sector.
METID (Methods and Innovative Technologies for Learning) is the “Innovation Teaching and Learning Center” of the Politecnico di Milano.
They design and test methods and tools for learning innovation and faculty development.
METID operates since 1996 taking part in numerous international networks and supporting teachers through an ecosystem of formal and informal resources. The ecosystem intersects consultancy activities in the design phase and monitoring activities of innovative teaching actions within curricular courses.
For the faculty development METID mainly provides: Massive Online Open Courses dedicated to teacher training on the MOOCs portal of the Politecnico di Milano (POK-Polimi Open Knowledge); Workshops and training courses dedicated to the Polimi faculty on practical approaches to learning innovation; Methodological support to the University to move activities and teaching dynamics from frontal lessons to online lessons sharing with teachers good practices for distance learning; International Seminars dedicated to structured training with an active class dimension.